How to delegate?

Token holders and delegates can analyze delegate voting power here.


NOTE token holders can delegate their voting power using the delegate(address) function on the NOTE contract on Ethereum Mainnet. To do so, one must enter the delegatee address and submit a transaction.

This can be done through Etherscan by entering the delegate's address and submitting the transaction. You will remain in control of your NOTE tokens but your voting power will be transferred to the delegate. One can change the address it delegates to at any time by calling the delegate(address) function again. One can also decide to self-delegate to its own address.

Bridged NOTE holders currently can't delegate their votes on Arbitrum but are able to directly vote on snapshot proposals.

Staked NOTE

Staked NOTE token holders can delegate their voting power using the delegate(address) function on the NOTE contract on Ethereum Mainnet. To do so, one must enter the delegatee address and submit a transaction.

This can be done through Etherscan by entering the delegate's address and submitting the transaction. You will remain in control of your Stkaed NOTE tokens but your voting power will be transferred to the delegate. One can change the address it delegates to at any time by calling the delegate(address) function again. One can also decide to self-delegate to its own address.

Last updated