

Manages a account balances for the entire system including deposits, withdraws, cash balances, collateral lockup for trading, cash transfers (settlement), and liquidation.



Governance Methods



Evaluates whether or not a currency id is valid


  • currency: currency id

    Return Values:

  • true if the currency is valid


Getter method for exchange rates


  • base: token address for the base currency

  • quote: token address for the quote currency

    Return Values:

  • ExchangeRate struct


Returns the net balances of all the currencies owned by an account as an array. Each index of the array refers to the currency id.


  • account: the account to query

    Return Values:

  • the balance of each currency net of the account's cash position


Converts the balances given to ETH for the purposes of determining whether an account has sufficient free collateral.


  • amounts: the balance in each currency group as an array, each index refers to the currency group id.

    Return Values:

  • an array the same length as amounts with each balance denominated in ETH

Error Codes:

  • INVALID_CURRENCY: length of the amounts array must match the total number of currencies

  • INVALID_EXCHANGE_RATE: exchange rate returned by the oracle is less than 0


This is a special function to handle ETH deposits. Value of ETH to be deposited must be specified in msg.value

Error Codes:

  • OVER_MAX_ETH_BALANCE: balance of deposit cannot overflow uint128


Withdraw ETH from the contract.


  • amount: the amount of eth to withdraw from the contract

Error Codes:

  • INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE: not enough balance in account

  • INSUFFICIENT_FREE_COLLATERAL: not enough free collateral to withdraw

  • TRANSFER_FAILED: eth transfer did not return success


Transfers a balance from an ERC20 token contract into the Escrow. Do not call this for ERC777 transfers, use the send method instead.


  • token: token contract to send from

  • amount: tokens to transfer

Error Codes:

  • INVALID_CURRENCY: token address supplied is not a valid currency


Withdraws from an account's collateral holdings back to their account. Checks if the account has sufficient free collateral after the withdraw or else it fails.


  • token: collateral type to withdraw

  • amount: total value to withdraw

Error Codes:

  • INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE: not enough balance in account

  • INVALID_CURRENCY: token address supplied is not a valid currency

  • INSUFFICIENT_FREE_COLLATERAL: not enough free collateral to withdraw


Settles the cash balances of payers in batch


  • localCurrency: the currency that the payer's debts are denominated in

  • collateralCurrency: the collateral to settle the debts against

  • payers: the party that has a negative cash balance and will transfer collateral to the receiver

  • values: the amount of collateral to transfer

Error Codes:

  • INVALID_CURRENCY: currency specified is invalid

  • INCORRECT_CASH_BALANCE: payer does not have sufficient cash balance to settle

  • INVALID_EXCHANGE_RATE: exchange rate returned by the oracle is less than 0

  • NO_EXCHANGE_LISTED_FOR_PAIR: cannot settle cash because no exchange is listed for the pair

  • INSUFFICIENT_COLLATERAL_FOR_SETTLEMENT: not enough collateral to settle on the exchange

  • RESERVE_ACCOUNT_HAS_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE: settling requires the reserve account, but there is insufficient

    balance to do so

  • INSUFFICIENT_COLLATERAL_BALANCE: account does not hold enough collateral to settle, they will have

    additional collateral in a different currency if they are collateralized

  • INSUFFICIENT_FREE_COLLATERAL_SETTLER: calling account to settle cash does not have sufficient free collateral

    after settling payers and receivers


Settles the cash balance between the payer and the receiver.


  • localCurrency: the currency that the payer's debts are denominated in

  • collateralCurrency: the collateral to settle the debts against

  • payer: the party that has a negative cash balance and will transfer collateral to the receiver

  • value: the amount of collateral to transfer

Error Codes:

  • INCORRECT_CASH_BALANCE: payer or receiver does not have sufficient cash balance to settle

  • INVALID_EXCHANGE_RATE: exchange rate returned by the oracle is less than 0

  • NO_EXCHANGE_LISTED_FOR_PAIR: cannot settle cash because no exchange is listed for the pair

  • INSUFFICIENT_COLLATERAL_FOR_SETTLEMENT: not enough collateral to settle on the exchange

  • RESERVE_ACCOUNT_HAS_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE: settling requires the reserve account, but there is insufficient

    balance to do so

  • INSUFFICIENT_COLLATERAL_BALANCE: account does not hold enough collateral to settle, they will have

  • INSUFFICIENT_FREE_COLLATERAL_SETTLER: calling account to settle cash does not have sufficient free collateral

    after settling payers and receivers


Liquidates a batch of accounts in a specific currency.


  • accounts: the account to liquidate

  • localCurrency: the currency that is undercollateralized

  • collateralCurrency: the collateral currency to exchange for currency

Error Codes:

  • CANNOT_LIQUIDATE_SUFFICIENT_COLLATERAL: account has positive free collateral and cannot be liquidated

  • CANNOT_LIQUIDATE_SELF: liquidator cannot equal the liquidated account

  • INSUFFICIENT_FREE_COLLATERAL_LIQUIDATOR: liquidator does not have sufficient free collateral after liquidating



Liquidates a single account if it is undercollateralized


  • account: the account to liquidate

  • localCurrency: the currency that is undercollateralized

  • collateralCurrency: the collateral currency to exchange for currency

Error Codes:

  • CANNOT_LIQUIDATE_SUFFICIENT_COLLATERAL: account has positive free collateral and cannot be liquidated

  • CANNOT_LIQUIDATE_SELF: liquidator cannot equal the liquidated account

  • INSUFFICIENT_FREE_COLLATERAL_LIQUIDATOR: liquidator does not have sufficient free collateral after liquidating


  • CANNOT_LIQUIDATE_TO_WORSE_FREE_COLLATERAL: we cannot liquidate an account and have it end up in a worse free

    collateral position than when it started. This is possible if collateralCurrency has a larger haircut than currency.


Purchase fCash receiver asset in the portfolio. This can only be done if the account has no other positive cash balances and no liquidity tokens in its portfolio. The fCash receiver would be its only source of positive collateral. Notional will first attempt to sell fCash in CashMarkets before selling it to the liquidator at a discount.


  • payer: account that will pay fCash to settle current debts

  • localCurrency: currency that current debts are denominated

  • collateralCurrency: currency that fCash receivers are denominated in, it is possible for collateralCurrency to equal


  • valueToSettle: amount of local currency debts to settle


Purchase fCash receiver assets in order to recollateralize a portfolio. Similar to settlefCash, this can only be done


  • payer: account that will pay fCash to settle current debts

  • localCurrency: currency that current debts are denominated in

  • collateralCurrency: currency that fCash receivers are denominated in. Unlike settlfCash it is not possible for localCurrency

    to equal collateralCurrency because liquidating local currency fCash receivers will never help recollateralize a portfolio. Local currency

    fCash receivers only accrue value as they get closer to maturity.


Settles current debts in an account against the reserve. Only possible if an account is truly insolvent, meaning that it only holds debts and has no remaining sources of positive collateral.


  • account: account that is undercollateralized

  • localCurrency: currency that current debts are denominated in



A new currency


  • token: address of the tradable token


A new exchange rate between two currencies


  • base: id of the base currency

  • quote: id of the quote currency


Notice of a deposit made to an account


  • currency: currency id of the deposit

  • account: address of the account where the deposit was made

  • value: amount of tokens deposited


Notice of a withdraw from an account


  • currency: currency id of the withdraw

  • account: address of the account where the withdraw was made

  • value: amount of tokens withdrawn


Notice of a successful liquidation. msg.sender will be the liquidator.


  • localCurrency: currency that was liquidated

  • collateralCurrency: currency that was exchanged for the local currency

  • account: the account that was liquidated

  • amountRecollateralized: the amount of local currency that recollateralized


Notice of a successful batch liquidation. msg.sender will be the liquidator.


  • localCurrency: currency that was liquidated

  • collateralCurrency: currency that was exchanged for the local currency

  • accounts: the accounts that were liquidated

  • amountRecollateralized: the amount of local currency that recollateralized


Notice of a successful cash settlement. msg.sender will be the settler.


  • localCurrency: currency that was settled

  • collateralCurrency: currency that was exchanged for the local currency

  • payer: the account that paid in the settlement

  • settledAmount: the amount settled between the parties


Notice of a successful batch cash settlement. msg.sender will be the settler.


  • localCurrency: currency that was settled

  • collateralCurrency: currency that was exchanged for the local currency

  • payers: the accounts that paid in the settlement

  • settledAmounts: the amounts settled between the parties


Emitted when liquidation and settlement discounts are set


  • liquidationDiscount: discount given to liquidators when purchasing collateral

  • settlementDiscount: discount given to settlers when purchasing collateral

  • repoIncentive: incentive given to liquidators for pulling liquidity tokens to recollateralize an account


Emitted when reserve account is set


  • reserveAccount: account that holds balances in reserve

Governance Methods


Sets discounts applied when purchasing collateral during liquidation or settlement. Discounts are represented as percentages multiplied by 1e18. For example, a 5% discount for liquidators will be set as 1.05e18


  • liquidation: discount applied to liquidation

  • settlement: discount applied to settlement

  • repoIncentive: incentive to repo liquidity tokens


Sets the reserve account used to settle against for insolvent accounts


  • account: address of reserve account


Lists a new currency for deposits


  • token: address of ERC20 or ERC777 token to list

  • options: a set of booleans that describe the token


Creates an exchange rate between two currencies.


  • base: the base currency

  • quote: the quote currency

  • rateOracle: the oracle that will give the exchange rate between the two

  • buffer: multiple to apply to the exchange rate that sets the collateralization ratio

  • rateDecimals: decimals of precision that the rate oracle uses

  • mustInvert: true if the chainlink oracle must be inverted

Last updated

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